Powertrain engineering in the United Kingdom

Apremium British car manufacturerwanted to develop and produce abrand new family of compact, lightweight and low-emission petrol and diesel engines internally.

To assist this project, ALTEN deployedmore than 150 powertrain engineersto theUnited Kingdomwithin record time.

These motors intended for premium SUVs and sports cars were designed in aconfigurable, flexible and modular architectureso as to facilitate the subsequent integration of new innovations (new fuels, more elaborate turbochargers, electrification, etc.). With regard to this ambitious project, ALTEN is responsible forseveral engineering service centres in the United Kingdom.

Here are some examples of projects for which the ALTEN Engineering teams are responsible:

  • R&T (Research & Technology) of future generation motors
  • Mechanical design of powertrain sub-systems
  • Powertrain calibration
  • Powertrain testing and calibration (on test bench and on vehicle)

ALTEN’s ability to create synergies between various departments helps customersboost productivity with regard to their development costs.