Digital banking: designing the user experience of the future

Mobile and ultra-smart, the “Digital natives” generation is leading the banking sector in making deep-seated changes to the customer relation and associated services. ALTEN is theleading partner in Digital UX design for one of the main French banksfor the development of new innovative functions.

Robot-adviser, SMS bank transfers, authentication via the automatic validation of enclosed identity documents, overhaul of mobile app, “Mobile friendly” ergonomics of online banks, chatbot, etc.

More than 50 ALTEN consultantsaccompany the customer in fulfilling its digital transformation projects:

  • Functional specifications (analysis of the needs identified among Marketing departments, Online Banking, etc.)
  • Project coordination
  • Technical implementation (architecture, applications development, etc.)

Relying on both technical skills (完整的开发人员,UI / UX designer, Scrum Master, etc.) and functional skills (marketing, digital bank, etc.), the ALTEN service centre is able to understand the challenges of its client and ensure aswift go-to-market.